Regents Park
Nestled within a discreet enclave along famous Peachtree Road in the historic Peachtree Battle area of Atlanta, Regents Park has been developed for the discriminating urban dweller and offers an unsurpassed elegant living alternative. Gibson Landscape is proud to have been involved from the beginning in the landscape design and construction phases of this unique living experience.
The intimate gardens and landscaping architecture—reminiscent of Britain’s Regency era of the early 19th century—demanded a company edicated to uncommon levels of focus, knowledge, and experience. Incredible teamwork along with our customer-driven service has combined to guarantee the longevity and beauty of this Atlanta landmark—one that had no room for compromises.
- Timeless plantings hand selected for individual private gardens
- 35’+ Cryptomeria plantings to screen adjacent neighborhood development
- Site furnishings, natural stone walks and dry creek bed construction
- Engineering soils and drainage system for elevated plaza
- Customized irrigation delivery and sourcing from onsite well
- LEED Silver project