Tony Gibson, President of Gibson Landscape reflects on the company’s history and staying grounded throughout the changing landscape.
Q: Tell us a little about the early days at Gibson Landscape.
A: I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit—even when I was mowing lawns as a teenager. So, when I graduated college, I sold a car and used all of my graduation money to start the business. No real office. No business line. Just my cellphone! At first it was just me and a couple of guys doing small, one-time residential projects. Along with my wife who would help out after work. We grew by word of mouth, started to take on bigger and bigger projects and the rest is history.
Q: Gibson Landscape recently revealed its new logo and tagline. Why did you decide to rebrand now?
A: It was time. You know how these things begin, someone runs out of business cards or needs an updated brochure…. After 18 years in business, we’ve grown and evolved. So, it was time for our new logo and messaging to reflect what we have become.
Q: What inspired the logo?
A: A few things, actually. We wanted to create a logo that was aspirational and modern, while still tying it back to our roots. That’s why we chose to show the G rising out from under the leaf, the horizon, if you will. We put together a video that visually articulates the story of the rebrand.
And we updated our signature orange color to a more vibrant poppy red, which reminds me of the color of my dad’s favorite car—a ‘55 Chevy. It’s a classic.
Q: What does Uniting People and Place mean to Gibson Landscape?
A: The tagline is about bringing together two variables that are key to our success. So much of what we do is transformational. We take materials in their raw form and turn them into something beautiful while, at the same time, being mindful that we can maintain that beauty for a long time. By “people”, I’m referring to our solid client relationships, the commitment of our employees and the people that live, play and work in that space we’ve created. Ultimately, we’re building experiences that people can enjoy.
Q: What do you see for the future of the company?
A: I see us growing in response to what our clients need. Being the ideal partner. Continuing to take on projects that are challenging will help us produce our best work. The beauty of the finished landscape should speak for itself.
Q: What about the future of the landscape/hardscape industry overall?
A: This is a very exciting time in the green industry. The trend has shifted from very uniformed patterns to more organic, natural landscapes. It’s less predictable and allows us to be more sustainable. We’re now more mindful to select native plants that make sense in their natural form and collecting water for maintenance versus being wasteful.
Q: What are you most proud of?
A: The ladies in my life. My wife and four daughters.
Q: What would you like your daughters to take away from your professional experience?
A: I’d like my kids to understand that success is more than just material success. In order to build something that is long-lasting, you have to be committed to the relationship and constantly learn from your experiences.
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